Monday, October 31, 2016
week has just been so weird! But good at the same time!!
First off we had the first ever companionship pday! If I didn't
explain this before, President asked us that the third Monday of each month, we
don't meet up at the Stake center on Pday to help save on miles. We are to stay
in our assigned areas as much as possible. It actually went really well! Sister
D did some shopping and realized that we are both shopaholics (it's a serious
problem!) Then Nicole and Sister B came up and we had lunch with them!! It was
so good to see Nicole I just love that girl! We went home wrote emails and
headed to dinner!
Emily & Nicole |
Dinner was so good we at with the H Family and their son,
Codey just got married to Clara a week ago, no joke. They were there and a
couple in the ward, the J Family, were there too. Sister H forgot we were doing
a lesson with them afterward so she invited her 18 year old son’s girl friend
to come over too. So we had to change plans for our lesson and prepare to teach
the Restoration to 8 people.
Thankfully it went well and she accepted a copy of the Book of
Mormon!!! It was a tender mercy to a great lesson, especially on a Monday, and
a miracle as well!
Tuesday was a great day! We tried going back to see the E Family
but sadly no was there so we tried doing some finding and contacting referrals
but no one was home either. Pretty typical for this area. But the rest of the
afternoon we were able to contact some less actives and set up return
appointments! Yay!
We had dinner with the P Family! They are such a blessing
and just a wonderful family. They aren't active but has beautiful testimonies.
We talked to them about Charity and the importance of listening and teaching by
the Spirit. They sent us home with 3 bags of groceries! #tender mercy
We went over to plan our lesson for this Sunday! I'll tell you all about
in just a sec!
Anyways Wednesday I was hecka grumpy. Like not haven it. I
get that way when I feel useless and unproductive. I have come to LOVE
missionary work! I love working hard and fulfilling my purpose. So if something
or someone is keeping me from doing that, I'm not a happy camper.
We had a lesson with the J Famil (John-see-Kay-sawn)
family. We aren't sure if they are less active or not because there membership
records are in both our ward and a Loomis Ward, but we have never seen them at
church. We shared "The will of God" with them and talked about how
God sees the whole plan and we should trust His will because he loves us.
We had a good lesson with Justin. He is still not
quite getting the Plan of Salvation. But, as he studies and prays for understanding,
it will begin to make sense to him. He believes it, just doesn't understand.
But I love his faith, that he has faith in things that don't make sense. He's
quite the example to me of faith.
The memory care facility wasn't doing crafts on Thursday,
so we went to target to pick up a few things for the Fall Festival then went to
the Stake center to call people.
We had greenie hour and watched the District 2! It was pretty fun!
So I've been having this on-going challenge with Justin and I
keep losing, like badly. We made a deal of whoever won had to teach the Book of
Mormon at the next lesson. Well I keep calling for re matches in hopes that I
would win and he would teach. I was soooo close. I hit two balls in at once and
they went into opposite holes!! Like what?! I don't even know how I did it but
it was pretty amazing!
Friday we drove to Antelope to pick up some things from the
mission office and to Lincoln to pick up medication! I got to see friends and
members took the other sisters out to lunch so we crashed! Haha I love members!
We had a miracle happen too! While in Antelope we received a referral for a man
in Auburn 3rd ward boundaries and he requested a large print Book of Mormon so
it was perfect timing because we were able to pick one up for him at the
mission office!!
When we got back we had a lesson with the
Fletcher's. We shared the message "Road to Damascus" by President
Uchtdorf. He talks about the importance of doing the little things that will
help us become converted to Christ and His gospel. We talked about not taking
anything for granted. We are so incredibly blessed to have the scriptures,
church magazines, videos, general conference talks, gospel music and so much
more, at the tips of our fingers. People would have to travel so far for a copy
of The Book of Mormon or to listen to General Conference. Now you can get a BOM
for free with just a phone call and can listen to conference anytime and
Every week as a zone, we have a conference call and have a
prayer for each companionship and their investigators or less actives who are
struggling and need extra help. This week it was mine turn to pray! It was a
really interesting experience to say each person by name and think about their
needs and ask for the Lords help and guidance. It was hard, although to keep my
eyes open to read the names of who I was praying for. It took a lot of effort
not to get distracted and keep my train of thought . No wonder we pray with our
eyes closed!
Saturday we tried to see Roark, our new referral
but he wasn't home. So we went up to Foresthill for more exploring. We figured
one of us would get transferred so we wanted to see the most beautiful part of
the mission before either of us left. I am so grateful we did! We literally
drove in the clouds and got to see some of the trees that have turned already!!
Love exploring Gods creations!!
That night we found out transfers!! And I am
leaving my beloved Auburn 3rd and Foresthill! It was a complete shock. We both
thought for sure that Sister Dee was leaving. I cried when I saw my name! I'm
not ready to leave, but I guess the Lord thinks I need too.
Sunday we drove up to Foresthill for their Primary
program and to say goodbyes. I love that branch and it will always hold a very
special place in my heart. They took care of us and just loved us! These two
transfers have been tough, so it was such a tender mercy to feel SO loved by
the Foresthill branch and the Auburn 3rd ward as well.
After Sacrament meeting, goodbyes and
pictures, we headed back down to Auburn so we could help Brother M teach the
third hour with the youth! We talked about missionary work and how we can be missionaries
now! Justin and a few other youth shared experiences and their testimonies! It
was great to hear what they had to say! We watched Dad’s favorite Mormon
Message. It's a about a family who looks for opportunities to help others
around them. The music in the video is my Mom’s favorite hymn, "I'll go
where you want me to go." So I just love this video and just thought about
my parents. But it also made me think about my choice to come on a mission. And
part of being a missionary is getting transferred and I knew that coming out,
but getting transferred is sometimes so hard and I was having a difficult time
digesting the fact that I was leaving. But this sweet, short video reminded me
that I told Heavenly Father that I would go where He would have me go and be
what He would have me be. So my heart began to soften to the idea.
As we were driving home from church we received a
call from Roark! He was asking if we could meet so we told him of course and
asked him when!? He said "Well I can be ready within the hour?!" So
we said alright how is 2 and scheduled a time to come by!! How awesome is that!
We were able to get a newly-wed couple, who are both RM's to come with
Roark is the sweetest man!! He is confined to a
wheelchair but has such a sweet spirit and such a humble heart. His brother is a
member of the church and he told us when we got there that he believes the
"LDS church is the true church!" When we later asked him what he knew
about prophets he said "Well not much but Joseph Smith was a
prophet." WHAT?! YES! Yes he was!! This man is so incredibly prepared! He
LOVED when we talked about the Atonement and assured him it's not too late and
he hasn't missed his chance. Christ's Atonement is infinite which means it can
applied over and over and over and over again!! How wonderful is that?! There
is NO such thing as a lost cause.
I am so sad that I won't be able to see Roark progress and grow
in the gospel. But I have a good feeling that one day alone, he will be baptized!!
He's so ready!!
That night we had dinner with the N and A Families!! Love those two families!
Could talk with them forever...and we usually do! We headed over to the K
Family to say bye. On the way over, I received a phone call from Sister M
asking me to be a sister training leader in Gridley! Of course I said yes! I
wasn't too sure about Gridley though, but everyone said I will love it and I am
very excited about my new companion Sister C! She has been out 4 1/2 months!
We hung out with the K Family for a bit and guess
what!?! I beat Justin at pool!! I actually did it!! I was super excited! His
Ukrainian pride kicked in and he wasn't too happy with me, so he left and wouldn't
get in the picture :( oops! But we are still friends! If anything, he will
remember me as the Sister missionary who beat him at pool! Although, I hope he
remembers more than just that haha
We then received the rest of the transfer news for the mission!
Lots of exciting changes due to 20 new missionaries coming in!!
I am so
excited for this transfer!
you for your love prayers and support!!!
Sister Emily Gore
Good bye's are hard....