Monday, Dec 19th 2016
Oh my heck! First off less than a week till Christmas!! Are you excited? Because I am so excited!! Get to talk to my family and I am pretty stoked about that! Heavens to Betsy, I miss them to pieces!
Oh my heck! First off less than a week till Christmas!! Are you excited? Because I am so excited!! Get to talk to my family and I am pretty stoked about that! Heavens to Betsy, I miss them to pieces!
Okay so this week was transfers. The relief society in the 3rd ward made all the missionaries in the zone an amazing breakfast! It was so good and we felt so loved!
We headed home to wait for Sister S....n from Redding 5th(
) to pick up Sister C.....r! It was really good to see her!
We got Sister C.....n all settled then headed out to make some visits! We were trying to see Janice but she wasn't home, but her son was cleaning his car on the driveway. We talked to him for a bit and showed him the new Christmas video. He really liked it and we could tell he felt the spirit. He used to meet with missionaries up in Redding but then they just stopped coming. But we are excited to
see the plans the Lord has in store for Charles.
That evening we went to mutual to get to know some of the youth better! They were doing a white elephant and brought extra gifts so we got to participate! Sister C......n ended up with a painting and I got a snowman mug
Wednesday we had district meeting and talked about the importance of listening, asking inspired questions and following the spirit. So good! Listening to the spirit and to people sometimes takes a lot of effort. It's so easy to let my thoughts wander off to what I'm going to have for dinner that night or what I'm missing at home. But when we listen with love, our thoughts stay on track. I've been really focusing on being a better listener. I've noticed that when you listen, to them and the spirit, you don't have worry about what to say. It really is given to us if we pray and open our mouths with faith. So many times I've come out of lessons, learning something new or saying something I had never thought of. It's just amazing how the spirit will work with us.
The 3rd ward Sisters are moving houses, so we helped load and unload their stuff before going over to meet with Brother E....s. He's such a good WML! He's driven, missionary minded and loves the administrative side of the church! I'm learning so much!
Later that day we were able to meet Corey, who is a referral from a sister in the ward. We shared the Christmas video with him and he loved it! We were able to invite him to participate and he said that he and his wife will check it out and will give us a call. Often times that's a nice way of saying no, but Sister Cowden and I both have a really good feeling about him!
That night we saw the W. family. They are doing well. Crystal was telling us that she hasn't stepped into a church for 20 years so just having us over is a big deal for her. Her daughter Makala is really interested in coming to church and mutual. So we invited them to the ward Christmas party and said they would definitely be there!!
Our Thursday morning was a little slow at first but it picked up after in the evening. We had a really good doorstep lesson with Jerry. He really enjoys us coming over and encouraging his family. We asked him a couple questions that really opened him up of some of his most spiritual experiences. He had the opportunity to baptize someone when he was 16. He said that is what keeps his testimony going. He really wants to come back to church as a family and help bring his wife into the gospel. He asked that when we come back, we can sit down and share some of our favorite experiences. We are so excited for the J. family! Please keep them in your prayers.
After, we had an awesome lesson with Paul Jr. We decided to do a scripture study with them. A couple of the young men and the bishop came! We all turned to the index under Holy Ghost and found a scripture we liked. Then we went around the room read our scripture and talked about why we liked it. It was neat to hear what stood out to each of them. It was good to talk about all the things that the Holy Ghost helps us with. He brings us comfort, he helps us remember things, he brings us peace and helps us to feel loved by our Father in Heaven.
Friday was our car fast day and it was a BLAST! We had some bike problems at first, but some wonderful members let us borrow one to use. We biked to our lesson with Logan and taught him the first half of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I did my paper and water cup visual aid and he loved it! He was so grateful to know that the Atonement helps us to be completely clean a pure when we repent.
During the lesson Doug W. came over to give something to Linda, Logan's Grandma. He told us to stop by on the way home. We biked over and he gave us fudge, homemade wooden pens and Sister C....n a backpack to use when she is on bike! We were able to share the #LIGHTtheWORLD video with him and asked him some questions about how he came to join to church. He said it was because of how important family is to the church. I know that families can be together forever. This week, a year ago, my Grandma Gore passed away. I am so grateful to have a knowledge of the Plan of Salvation, that we are sealed in the Temple and that I will see her again.
Saturday was our Ward Christmas party! The theme was "A Night in Bethlehem." We were asked to dress up as if we lived in Jerusalem in the time of Christ. I was a little hesitant about how people would respond, but it was a hit! Everyone who went loved it. It was magical! My favorite part was that there was zero commercialism. No Santa, no snowmen, no jingle bells, no presents, nothing but Jesus Christ!! It really helped me take a step back and really reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. It's not about the presents, the carols or the cookies, although those things are nice and add to the excitement of the season. It is about the birth of the Savior of the world!! Oh and 5 of our investigators came!! With members! It was awesome!!
I love Liberty Ward! I love Sister C....n! I love being a Missionary! I love my Savior!
I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!! Love you lots!
Sister Emily Gore