my goodness the MTC is AMAZING! First off, I loved getting to see Sister Clark,
Sister Gonzalez, Melanie and Melia!! They are the sweetest and I am sooo
gratetful they were there when I got off the plane! Because since I flew into
the SLC airport there was bound to be a missionary reunion. Not just one or
two, like 10! and all the Elders were behind me, so I get on the infamous
escalator and looked down and it is packed with families with posters screaming
for their RMs! Boy was that hard! and then a few people came up to me and said
"congrats welcome home" and I was like "oh no I enter the MTC
today" then they would smile and say good luck. All in all the SLC airport
is not my favorite place.
then I entered the MTC and it was crazy because although I was scared, the
second I walked in the building I was so focused and so excited! I actually met
my companion when we checked in!! which was awesome! She is also going to
Roseville! Her name is Sister Madsen, and trust me these companionship
assignments are inspired because we work SOOO well together! The other two
sisters in my district are Sister Ballard and Sister Christenen and they are
going to Arcadia CA which is super sad because I just love them!!
Sister Gore & Sister Madsen |
District Sisters |
other new missionary district in our zone has 4 sisters going to Roseville and
they are all amazing and I'm soooo excited to continue serving with them! The
Elders in our Zone are super awesome you can just tell they want to give
everything to the Lord and it is so inspiring and they are a 100% supportive of
the sisters and ahhhh I just love everyone!
in a zone there are usually 3-5 districts and that makes up a zone. So every
zone has an Elder leader and then there are two Elder zone leaders and in the
MTC there are Sister Training leaders who are "in charge" of all the
sisters in the Zone! and guess which sisters got that assignment!? YEP Sister
Madsen and I!!!! I"M SO EXCITED!! So pretty much on Wednesday we are
getting 30 I repeat 30 new missionaries in our Zone, so me, Sister Madsen, Elder
Balser and Elder Turner (the Zone leaders, welcome them and give them an
orientation and a tour! and From then we just look after them, like if there
are problems we report them to the branch president and stuff like that! We're
nervous but really excited! I am also our groups travel leader, which means
when we (9 missionaries which includes 3 elders I haven't met yet) fly to CA on
the 24th I'm like the mom of the group which comes pretty naturally so I'm not
really worried.
Homesickness isn't even in my vocabulary (Sorry Mom). But this calling is
literally divine and as missionaries we are giving blessings we can't receive
anywhere else and I obviously have been extremely blessed with being able to
stay focused on the Spirit and the needs of our investigators!
Zone Picture |
of which, right now we have two, really they are our teachers but their role
plays are amazing!! They always base them off real people with those real
struggles, when we pray for our investigators we are still praying for real
people! We'll meet our TRC investigator on Wednesday which could be a member of
the Church or a real investigator! I'm super excited!!
I see Sister Evans (aka Sabrina
aka my college neighbor) here all the time! our residence is on the same
floor and so are our classrooms and we have lunch and dinner together! She leaves tomorrow and I am
super, super sad about it!! But she will be amazing and I'm so happy I can see
her so often while we're both here.
Sister Gore and Sister Evans |

think the biggest thing I've learned is that this is not about me. I came on a
mission with my own personal reasons and the only way to do that is for me not
to focus on myself. We watched Elder Bednar's talk on Characters of Christ
which you can only watch at the MTC and it's kind of a spiritual slap in the
face, he literally says to get over yourself and look outward like Christ did,
which is so true and the only way we can be an "effective" missionary
is to do our best to be Christ like. I'm sorry I just word vomited on you but
that's what’s happening!
please write me!! Go to Dear Elder.com and its free to send letters in the MTC
and we check mail twice a day, so please send stuff it literally is one of my
favorite times of the day!! Thank You so much for all of your love and support
so far!
Sister Gore
So my teacher said something I really liked instead of Missionary Training
Center and tells us to think about it as My Time with Christ!! Which is
so true because the Lord is 100% here!

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