July 25, 2016
Wow okay this week was great, crazy and just plain old wonderful!!
Tuesday we stopped by the F family because a sister in our ward
suggested that P. might be interested in doing some family history
work! We brought him a My Family pamphlet and gave him the contact
info of the Family History Consultant in our ward. He was super
excited about it! He then asked if we were going to come by again!
Tuesday we stopped by the F family because a sister in our ward
suggested that P. might be interested in doing some family history
work! We brought him a My Family pamphlet and gave him the contact
info of the Family History Consultant in our ward. He was super
excited about it! He then asked if we were going to come by again!
So we will go back in the next couple
weeks. His wife A. is in hospice
care and he is her primary caregiver
so he is pretty busy! So whenever
we go over we sit with A. who can't
say much but I am sure she enjoys the company.
We saw a family, the M's and they were excited to see us. We don't think
We saw a family, the M's and they were excited to see us. We don't think
they plan on coming back to church,
but they seem to consider themselves
active. They talk like they have testimonies
and dress modestly, just don't
come to church. We talked about
pioneers and the importance of learning our heritage. We invited them to the
Pioneer Day activity but Sister M. said she
won't go because it's not in Utah on
the 24th haha she takes her Pioneer Day seriously!!
We were able to meet the A. family!
They are a family that the first Ward
elders referred to us! Sister A. (the
only member in the family) was so sweet!! They were about to leave but said we
could come by Monday night! We are so excited to meet the whole family!
Wednesday was weird though, we had district meeting, lunch
then went to contact a part member family! The record said they had
never answered the door, so past missionaries kind of gave up on them. But I
was determined. We knocked on their door and their son answered! He
said that his parents would be home tonight and that we could stop by
then. We then went home so Sister P. could change for her physical therapy appointment. Well she got the appointment time mixed up, so when we finally
then went to contact a part member family! The record said they had
never answered the door, so past missionaries kind of gave up on them. But I
was determined. We knocked on their door and their son answered! He
said that his parents would be home tonight and that we could stop by
then. We then went home so Sister P. could change for her physical therapy appointment. Well she got the appointment time mixed up, so when we finally
got there after getting lost of
course, it was too late and they had to
reschedule. So we went home and took a power nap, but slept through all
alarms. Oops
Then we had dinner with the C's and I just LOVE their
family!! We then went to T's house. We were later then he said to come,
reschedule. So we went home and took a power nap, but slept through all
alarms. Oops
Then we had dinner with the C's and I just LOVE their
family!! We then went to T's house. We were later then he said to come,
but it was good thing because Brother
T. wasn't quite home yet. Anyways it
was a miracle we even got to see him
because he usually doesn't get home
until 9! We had a great conversation with him about the Book of Mormon
and how following Christ can help us have peace amidst the challenges of
until 9! We had a great conversation with him about the Book of Mormon
and how following Christ can help us have peace amidst the challenges of
world. We bore testimony of how
grateful we are of the freedoms we
have in the country. I know that the Priesthood is real and is restored on the
have in the country. I know that the Priesthood is real and is restored on the
earth today. I know that as we trust
in our leaders they will help us and that
we can have confidence in the revelation that
they receive.
Thursday was
literally the best day! I don't think I have the time or brain capacity to
fully explain what happened. We had 8 unplanned lessons that day...that just
doesn't happen that is usually what we have for the whole week,
on a good week. It was just miracle after
miracle! We met members we didn't know about, we met people who said we could
come back and we stayed
diligent the whole day.
Friday was probably even
better because we got to go to the Temple!!
It was so wonderful!! I felt the
Spirit so strong and learned so much more
about my Heavenly Gather and His plan and His
love for me.
Saturday was great! Last weekly planning I called a ton of people to
Saturday was great! Last weekly planning I called a ton of people to
try to set up lessons, some didn't
answer, and some numbers were disconnected.
So this past Friday I called the people
who didn't answer and left messages.
And guess what?! THEY ALL CALLED BACK
That doesn't happen, no one ever
calls back! So we set up times to meet or
they told us to call later in the week
to set up a time! I am so excited!! The
Lord truly blesses us for our
diligent efforts!
That night the ward put on a Pioneer
Day activity!! It was so much
fun! I of course participated in the pie eating contest, it was different
than I expected, so I failed miserably but it was a grand old time!!
Sunday was so wonderful! We had ward council, and we told them we
fun! I of course participated in the pie eating contest, it was different
than I expected, so I failed miserably but it was a grand old time!!
Sunday was so wonderful! We had ward council, and we told them we
Had 18 lessons so far for the week and they
literally gave us a standing
ovation! It was so cool!! It gave us a confidence boost!
So pretty much to sum it all up, we had 20 lessons at the end of the
week!! It was a miracle!
ovation! It was so cool!! It gave us a confidence boost!
So pretty much to sum it all up, we had 20 lessons at the end of the
week!! It was a miracle!
showed me that when we work hard and rely on the Lord, he helps us
and blesses us! I love being a missionary and helping Gods children!!
Love y'all!
Sister Gore
and blesses us! I love being a missionary and helping Gods children!!
Love y'all!
Sister Gore

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