Monday, March 27th 2017
Hello there! For those of you still following
my mission, congrats y'all should win a prize! We had a grand ole week!! Are ya
Pday was the usual...boring in the gym, but
yay for family chatting!! We played banana grams at FHE with the L family and I
discovered I'm not very good haha.
Tuesday we had an awesome lesson with J! She's so
cool! She is friends with a member in GB2 and just loves God and loves
people who also love God. She's a strong Catholic and has no plans of
converting but enjoys learning. We taught the first vision and she was nodding
along as I recited the first vision and after she said she totally beloved it.
She said "As soon as I looked at the picture (of Joseph Smith, God &
Jesus Christ) I knew this actually happened." What?! So cool! The only
thing is she still believes that God doesn't have a body, so we will be talking
about the nature of God soon. She is so sweet so please keep J in your prayers!
afternoon I got to meet THEE Nancy! She's so awesome! She's been meeting with
missionaries for about 3 years and for at least 2 of those she's been making
treats for every district and zone meeting for 6 zones of the mission! How
amazing is that! So today we got to help make ginormous cookies!! 1 is the
equivalent to about 4 or 5! So good, but no good for ya!
She was telling us about some of the things she learned at a bible
study she attends at another church. We got to talking about how we are all
children of God and although we don't agree with everything, we still need to
be kind.
The church came out with this awesome video! Watch it!
Wednesday we had district meeting about the importance of church
attendance!! This comes up so often. Church is so important! It's where we feel
the Spirit, learn more of Christ & His teachings, and most importantly take
the Sacrament! Every single week we have the opportunity to renew the promise
we made to God and get to start the week off with a clean slate! Who wouldn't
want that?! So if you’re not going, then go. If you don't know where to go,
then go to and you can find an LDS chapel
near you!
That night I went on exchange with Sister
Smith! This is our third time serving around each other so we are bffs! She
goes home this transfer so it was fun to reflect back on our missions and also
talk about plans and goals we have when we go home!
had such a good day!! we did book stacking service at Sunrise Senior Center,
tracting in a neighborhood right by Lincoln!! We drove past my old apartment
and that was weird!! We invited a man to come to church and a women told us she
doesn't want to be with her family sad. We had a lesson with their
investigator named Brother M. He's awesome but has two things, wants a big sign
from God and won't give up things that at "sins" but he doesn't
consider them "sins". We read from the Book of Mormon and talked
about the importance of the Spirit. If we are sinning we won't be able to
recognize answers to prayers or blessings that He is always raining upon us. We
have to sacrifice things in order for our eyes to be truly opened. God loves us
so much and has so much in store for us if only we will choose Him!
Friday President allowed Sister Tsalagi and I to attend the
Temple! I hadn't gone since July so it was very much needed! All week we were
trying to find a member to take us and finally we called Sister D. and she said
yes!! I am so grateful we got to go because it brought much needed peace and
revelation. I felt Gods love for me so abundantly. I know without a doubt that
He has a plan for me and that I am in His loving hands.
We did weekly planning and wrapped up the night with
the Restoration movie! All I can say is I balled like a baby and the church is
so true.
So every day for the next 31 days, President
Marston emails us a quote, hymn and talk centered on the Atonement! So nice to
have the daily, morning reminder of the sacrifice He made for me

One of my favorites quotes he sent out was this one!
"Every attempt to reflect upon the Atonement, to study it, to
embrace it, to express appreciation for it, however small or feeble it may be,
will kindle the fires of faith and work its miracle towards a more Christ-like
life. It is an inescapable consequence of so doing. We become like
those things we habitually love and admire. And thus, as we study
Christ’s life and live his teachings, we become more like him.” -Tad R.
The more we study the Atonement, the greater our testimony
Sunday we went tracting! And we were able to find 2 new
investigators! Miracles! Our zone set a goal to find 10 this week! And we found
14! Hooray! The Stake said that if we found 10 they would make us lunch for
conference!! Yay for free food!
stoked for this week! I'm so excited for conference and to listen to our
beloved Prophet and Apostles! Watch and listen!
of love,
Sister Emily Gore
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